Java -jar C:\SAP\hdbclient\ngdbc.jar -u USER1,Password1 -n your_host:your_port -o encrypt=True -o validatecertificate=false -c 'SELECT * FROM HOTEL.CUSTOMER' java -jar C:\SAP\hdbclient\ngdbc.jar -k USER1UserKey -o encrypt=True -o validatecertificate=false -c 'SELECT * FROM HOTEL.CUSTOMER' Run the following and use either connection details stored in the user store or specify the connection details. The trace options are further described at JDBC Tracing and Trace Options. The JDBC driver has a different version number than the rest of the SAP HANA interfaces. Run the command again without the -v to open the configuration window, which provides driver information and the ability to set trace information: If needed, adjust the path to match the installation location on your machine. Run the following command for version information. It is available in the client installation folder at C:\SAP\hdbclient\ngdbc.jar and in the maven repository. The SAP HANA driver for JDBC is a Multi-Release JAR file and as such supports multiple versions of Java.